来源:绿点 作者:绿点 发布时间:2009-09-28 查看次数:4292
(Green Pathfinders Forum
Green Pathfinders Forum
Youth- Environment- Future- Graduate- Career- Venture
Let Green Creates the Future

2007年10月29日晚上由香港地球之友与绿点•广州联合主办的“平步青云讲坛”(Green Pathfinders Forum)系列活动第一讲,在广州外语外贸大学揭开序幕。由联合国全球500佳,被誉为民间绿色播种人、社会活动毅行者、环保“花木兰”的吴方笑薇女士和香港环保工业家郑先生与到场的听众笑谈环保人生路。
October 29, 2007, Mr. Daniel Cheng, Hong Kong’s Green Industrialist and Entrepreneur, together with Mrs. Mei Ng, UN Global 500 Laureate, veteran environmental advocator, launched the inaugural lecture of the Green Pathfinders Forum in Guangzhou, China.   Jointly organized by Friends of the Earth (Hong Kong) and Green Point •Guangzhou, the monthly lecture series is about sharing green visions and career paths. It is about China’s green youth empowerment.
How to make business profitable and making green sense? How to turn loss into gain? How to tap green market opportunities? What are the challenges facing the green industrialists? What is the future for small medium enterprise?
Natural capitalism, green wealth, eco-business are just dreams or for real?
What advice would you offer to graduates, job seekers and green career aspirants?
 Mr. Daniel Cheng recounted his life journey and business paths in dialogue with host anchor, Mrs. Mei Ng. He was eloquent and humorous. He was frank and down-to-earth. No pain, no gain! Mr. Cheng recalled that it took him over 20 years to build his green business. He foresaw the oil crisis two decades ago and decided to invest in waste oil recycling. Today, the soaring oil price has proven him right. It was the starting point and the turning point of his green enterprise. Mr. Cheng’s revelation inspired the adoring young audience.

250多名听众除了大学生外还有来自政府、媒体、企业、民间组织的各界人士.同时,吴方老师也与大学生开展生动有趣的名为“酷英语”的环保英语情景演练,本讲的主题为:My Green Dream Career 。吴方老师的“节水厕所板”一亮相就让全场观众兴奋不已。“当一位马桶专家也不错,试想想如果中国推行厕所革命,将会带来什么绿色商机?”吴方老师利用活泼生动的手法,引导大学生练习英语之同时,又催化创业思维。
The evening program has attracted more than 250 participants composed of university green leaders, government officials, business representatives, NGO leaders and journalists. Mrs. Mei Ng, animated the audience with a lively session of “Cool English”, the topic was “ My Dream Green Career ”. “How about a toilet expert?” Mrs. Ng displayed a toilet seat and asked the audience to tap green business opportunities catalyzed by a toilet revolution in China. The audience was captivated by the interactive English learning exercise.

Two undergraduates were invited to participate in a mock job interview conducted by our Guest Speaker, Mr. Daniel Cheng and his colleague (center & right). The objective is to enhance young people’s self-confidence and communication skills. The audience was eager to take part in the interview.
在会后的抽样调查中,我们惊喜地发现100%的抽样人群希望参加下一次论坛。这个结论令人鼓舞,平步青云论坛有个好开始,成功吸引大学生的兴趣和参与, 踏出重要的一步。
Post  event  feedback
GPF launched a competition on energy and water conservation, the top 5 winners will be offered a green study trip. This exercise will echo the 2008 Beijing Green Olympics.
According to our post event survey, 100% of interviewees are keen to participate in the next forum. This indicates that the Green Pathfinders Forum had a good start and a strong appeal for the university students and budding green group leaders.
"There’s no short cut to build a business. Far sight wins. Short sight looses.”
“Take a look in the mirror, see if you like yourself? If you dislike yourself how can you convince others to employ you?
Everyday self talk in front of a mirror, learn to like yourself, practice your communication skill and build self-confidence”
“Slow, simple and self-confident, speak your mind”
2007年10月开始,由香港地球之友、绿点•广州联合发起的「平步青云讲坛」(Green Pathfinders Forum)将在广州市各所大学展开,旨在为各行业知名企业家、社会活动家和大学生搭建一个交流平台,通过定期的穗港两地环保经验交流和能力培训,帮助有志投身环保事业的年轻人认清目标,建立自信,自助自强。
香港「地球之友」於1983年注册成为民间慈善环保组织。 其使命: 关注本地和区域的环境保护,与政府商界和社会人士合作,推动可持续发展的政策、企业责任和生活方式。“绿点•广州”是一个包含广东省近40个大学生环保社团的民间环保组织。“绿点•广州”致力于推动全社会环保工作,重点引导大学生环保志愿者开展活动,促成更多的环保新生力量。
The Green Pathfinders Forum (GPF), launched on October 29, 2007, is a monthly green career lecture series which aims to inspire and empower Guangdong university students.Through dialogue with green leaders, thousands of green career aspirants will be enlightened. Through green English debates and mock job interviews, thousands of budding environmental job seekers will be empowered. It is about China youth empowerment. It is about investing in the future of a Greener China.
Friends of the Earth (Hong Kong) and Green Point -Guangzhou are the co-organizers of the Green Pathfinders Forum.Friends of the Earth (HK) is a registered environmental charity in Hong Kong since 1983. It’s mission: “Friends of the Earth (HK) is dedicated to protecting the environment locally and regionally by engaging government, business and society in promoting solutions to create environmentally sustainable public policies, business practices and lifestyles."
Green Point•Guangzhou focuses on promoting the social environmental consciousness, especially leading the undergraduate volunteers to operate activities in the campus and cultivating more youth to concern with the natural environment.
香港地球之友www.foe.org.hk      寸草心www.cuncaoxin.org  
Friends of the Earth (Hong Kong) : www.foe.org.hk    
Green Point •Guangzhou: www.gpaction.net
Guangzhou Environmental Education Center, The Dunwell Group Hong Kong, <Zhujiang Environment News>, <Yangcheng Evening News>, <Guangzhou Daily>, <Nanfang Daily>, Guangzhou TV, Guangdong Radio, Environmental Protection Organization of Sun Yat-sen University.
香港正昌集团  www.dunwellgroup.com
Event Sponsor
The Dunwell Group Hong Kong 
11月讲坛信息:“平步青云讲坛”第二讲邀请到了国际知名环保文具品牌——O’BON公司的总裁何汶俊先生和John W.davis先生给您带来智慧的云彩!我们期待您的到来!关于讲坛的相关信息,请登陆www.gpaction.net , www.foe.org.hk , www.cuncaoxin.org.
The next forum information : Mr. HOO BOON CHOON and Mr. JOHN W. DAVIS, the directors of the O’BON, are invited to the second forum of Green Pathfinders Forum(GPF) on 26,Nov, 2007. Know more information, please click www.gpaction.net , www.foe.org.hk , www.cuncaoxin.org.

Signing on souvenir T-shirts to mark the launch
Let’s support the Green Pathfinders Forum
Yeah, the Green Pathfinders Forum’s inaugural lecture was a success. It’s worth all the hard work.
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