来源:绿点 作者:绿点 发布时间:2010-11-26 查看次数:5872
Eden Full 小档案
Eden Full,现为美国普林斯顿大学大二学生,主修机械工程学,在校担任非洲发展动力副主席。15岁时,用竹子和金属条发明了成本只需10美元的廉价太阳追踪系统,大大提高了太阳能电板的蓄电性能。17岁,创立了绿色能源企业,为发展中国家提供可再生能源。现在,致力于世界各地宣传能源技术的可持续发展性,以便让低廉的电力等可持续能源帮助改善更多社会问题。 
当很多十七岁的年轻人尚值求学、吸收的阶段,来自加拿大的华侨Eden Full小姐却早已投身发明、创造,甚至跨国技术传播的工作。11月24日晚,由香港地球之友和绿点青年环境教育中心合办之“平步青云”讲坛第十五讲隆重展开,活动在广东外语艺术职业学院燕岭校区举行,主题为“革新能源动力、传播绿色阳光”。大会邀得Eden Full小姐出任演讲嘉宾,当晚座无虚席,现场观众反应热烈,不时掌声雷动。
讲坛先由一首情景合唱曲“Everyone is NO. 1”打开序幕。随后由多位同学英文串演环保话剧《Spring is coming》,透过精湛演技以及丰富的感情,多角度向在座人士传达保护环境、关心大自然的信息,再来是讲坛的核心环节——实话实说,我的平步青云路。期间,「联合国全球500佳」暨香港地球之友理事及中国事务委员会主席吴方笑薇女士担任嘉宾主持,以幽默风趣的表达手法,和Eden连番互动交流,以揭开其成长、发明、创业的丰富历程。
美国发明家、青年创业家 Eden Full
 Eden 振奋人心的创业故事以及她在推动能源发展所做的努力
这次平步青云讲坛第十五讲活动在爱创家(Ashoka)和中大公民中心(ICS)支持下,由广东外语艺术职业学院绿叶协会承办。期间,来自爱创家的Joan Shang、美国洛克菲勒兄弟基金会杨刚、自然之友广州小组成员洪霞和李雪梅、广东外语艺术职业学院领导、广州市好搭档文化传播有限公司总经理彭暖龙、华南媒体朋友,以及广东各大高校的21个环保社团都出席参加。
平步青云讲坛主题曲《Everyone is NO.1》情景合唱
Cool Englis 环保情景剧《Spring is coming》
Eden Full 自我介绍
吴方笑薇女士与Eden Full 的精彩访谈
American Youth Entrepreneur Eden Full Shared
her Success to the Green Pathfinders
Introduction about Eden Full
Eden Full, majoring in mechanical engineering in Princeton University,, is appointed as the vice-president of the African Developmental Power at school when she is a sophomore. When she was 15, she invented a low-cost Sun Tracking System at the cost of US 10 dollars with bamboo and metal strips. At 17, she established a green energy enterprise, providing renewable energy for the developing countries. And now, she is devoting her time and energy to promote the energy technology all over the world, in order to help solve the social problems with the inexpensive electric power. 
At the period of pursuing knowledge, Eden Full, the 17-year-old Canadian Chinese has engaged herself in invention, creation, and even the multi-national technology circulation. In the evening of November 24th, with the invitation of Friends of the Earth (HK) and Green Point Environmental Education Centre, Eden was attending the 15th anniversary of Green Pathfinders Forum, sharing the way she came along. A sophisticated presentation made her win unanimous applause from the audience in the session.
The lecture opened with a chorus called “Everyone is No.1”. A drama followed then, with a few students from the Green Leaves Association playing “Spring is coming”, and conveying to the audience the message of importance of environmental and natural protection.
Next it came to the main part, “My road to Green Pathfinders”. And Ms. Mei Ng, a director from Friends of the Earth (HK) and the chairman the China Affairs Committee awarded the “UN Global Top 500”, hosted the session with her humorous and stylish communication skills, in order to explore the way Eden grew, invented and started her own business.
As an American teenage inventor and entrepreneur, Eden suggested that hobby and pursuit of dreams are the critical drive of her persistence. When she was a child, not only did she focus on the academic study, but she also keep abreast of the social trends and development, so as to stimulate her inspiration while it caters to the social demands. In addition, Eden shared her own methods of balancing study and business with the present students and encouraged them to start their own business in a creative way.
As what Eden said by the end of the session, “we do hope there is someone able to change the world; in fact, everyone could just be that creator.” And the same is true for the environmental protection aspect.
With the support of Ashoka and ICS, the 15th Green Pathfinders Forum was undertaken by the Green Leaves Association of GTCFLA. Meanwhile, Joan Shang from Ashoka, Yang Gang from US Lehman Brothers Foundation, Hong Xia and Li Xue-mei from Friends of the Nature(GZ), the leader representatives from GTCFLA, the general manager Peng Nuan-long from GZ Culture Spreading Co., Ltd, South China Media, and 21 environmental protection associations from different universities in Guangdong Province, attended the lecture all together.
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